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SOLD - Jacob Behmen, The Teutonic Theosopher. Volume III. The one with 3 moveable plates - published in 1772

SOLD - Jacob Behmen, The Teutonic Theosopher. Volume III. The one with 3 moveable plates - published in 1772
Movable Book Jacob Behmen, The Teutonic Theosopher. Volume III
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Jacob Behmen,The Teutonic Theosopher. Volume III.

London Printed for G. Robinson, 1772

The first movable edition, it includes amazing occult engravings with multiple overlays.

Containing The Mysterium Magnum: Or an Explanation of the first Book of Moses, called Genesis: In three parts. II. Four tables of Divine Revelation.
With figures, illustrating his principles, left by the Reverend William Law, M.A

Jacob Behmen London Printed for G. Robinson (publisher).

'The Works of Jacob Behmen', printed in London for G. Robinson, 1772. This work was published between 1764 and 1781 in four volumes. This is volume 3 - the one with the movable plates! According to The Ritman Library, "The theosophical ‘pop-up’ diagrams are astonishingly complex works of art, opening up to reveal deeper layers of meaning"

3 multi-layered moveable plates, which represent Man in his different threefold state: before his fall, in purity and glory: after his fall, in pollution and perdition: and the third rising from the fall, on the way of regeneration. All movables in excellent condition.

Quarto, recently re-bound in dark quarter calf over marbled boards with Modern grey endpapers. Spine retains two original morocco gilt lettering pieces. Contents in very good clean condition with slight toning and light foxing. Second plate with short closed tear, plates otherwise in excellent fine condition.

Leaves measure 28 cm x 21 cm - 11" x 8¼"

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All books are returnable within 10 days of receipt if not delighted for any reason.

Product Code: A-40
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Antique Vintage Movable Book from the 1700's